
Our TBA staff has been working hard to help our students keep their aeronautical knowledge sharp
during these times. Check out some of the tips our Certified Flight Instructors (CFI) crafted to help fill
some downtime at home. Bring the Airpark to you by following some of the suggestions below!

1) Finish your online ground school
Want to get ahead of your training and impress your CFI the next time you meet? Catch up on the
modules and videos and really showcase your knowledge about airspace, V speeds, aircraft systems, or
weather! You must pass the FAA written test by your solo cross-country. Our CLW Testing Center
remains open and ready for FAA tests!

2) Chair Fly
Everyone can benefit from practicing their flows! Master switch on- Mixture rich- Power to idle- Fuel
selector valve on both- What’s your rhythm? When you practice setting up for maneuvers on the ground
it helps make your next flight lesson go smoothly. Plus- it’s FREE to chair fly! No Hobbs meter required.
Search for the aircraft instrument panel online, print it and test yourself!

3) Memorize emergency procedures
It’s as easy as A B C D! Now, we don’t ever hope for an emergency to occur but having the procedures
mastered will help you execute a timely recovery!

4) Watch Training videos online
Any topic you might be interested in from landings to checkride prep are available to watch! Browse
your favorite website such as YouTube, ForeFlight, or BoldMethod to expand your knowledge!

5) Read the Pilots Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (PHAK)
The PHAK is filled with information to help keep you safe and informed. It is available online for FREE on
the FAA’s website.

6) Make a study guide based off the Airmen Certification Standards (ACS)
Checkride coming up? The ACS gives you an outline of all the topics and required subjects that could be
asked on your checkride.

8) Listen to Live ATC
Having difficulty with your radio comms? Listen to your fellow pilots communicate with ATC and see
what you can pick out. Pull up the airport’s diagram and try and follow their taxi routes for some extra

9) Review the FAR/AIM
Are you legal to fly? Check out the suggested study tips in the front of the FAR/AIM found on page XVII.
This is applicable to private, instrument, commercial and CFI.

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